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Browsing through the Tubes of You and came across a recent Pat Flynn video. One where he goes into that you no longer need a website but, to post or create content out on social media. I had to sit there for a bit and process what he was trying to convey. You no longer need a place that you control and own in order to bring people too. Only to use a platform(s) that you have no control over and hope it remains functional as you build your business on it?

He did try to swing things around in save the topic with a somewhat of an endorsement of a new site called Stan. Similar to a LinkTree but its better. Again, these places don't portray you or your brand. It's just as bad as Patreon in that the companies name is first within that domain name and your brand, is secondary to everything else. I get it in that Pat tried to compare things to how you shops in a mall but, malls are dying everywhere and if your brand can't stand up on its own then, was it really strong enough? When you build your brand within the infrastructure of a much larger brand, can you really fault that larger brand when things go south?

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