Everything posted by St_Clinton
- Beam Releases Mobile App
The Wrong Category
Because of an announcement on BeamStream (my favorite streaming platform,) I learned of a new streaming platform called “Parti”. From the very short time that I have used it, it seems like a very nice platform, but one thing that I don’t like about it is that it is one of those “Crypto” style streaming platforms like DLive. It has some nice things about it, but it also has its cons. In a few days I may write a full review of it. One of the things that I had noticed on other platforms, but it struck me even hard here has to do with people not using the right category for what they are streaming. Now I can understand that with games on places like Twitch, as people do switch what game they are playing and it is simply to forget. So if one is playing say Call of Duty then switch to World of Warcraft or some other game, forgetting to switch the game can and will happen. But my problem is like when an IRL streaming places their stream in the Music category, then wonder why they aren’t getting many viewers even though that have a great stream. While I was on Parti I was amazed at the number of streamers in the wrong categories. Am I missing something? Is there a reason on doing this?
2TonWaffle Beta Site is Up!
I really enjoy this layout and look. I had been thinking about setting up a forum website, and this is the model that I was looking at. I think part of it is that I prefer the darker colors at the moment.
Shareplay Multi-streaming
As people know, I do my multi-streaming through Beamstream. One of the places that I had as a place to do stream to was Shareplay. When I went to stream today, I saw a notice saying that Shareplay has changed its rules and won't allow one to multi-stream to them. With the streaming software that I use, I can easily stream to more than one place, and when I turned on my way to stream to both places, and somehow Shareplay wouldn't let me. I actually do like Shareplay, but I am kind of getting the feeling that they are struggling close to the point of going the route of some of the others that we no longer think about, but I hope that I am wrong.
Beam Useful Information
If you want to check out Beam: The Website - https://beamstream.gg/ Their Discord - https://discord.gg/SfC4KG92 Gaming Tribe (AKA GTribe) - https://www.gamingtribe.com/
Goodbye Arena.tv?
Welp, that way to get into Arena.TV is now gone. I hope that they are just doing some reorganizing, and will be coming back at some point.
Tinkering with Odysee
I deleted my Odysee account not long ago. It's a nice platform, and I am surprised that it isn't used by far more people. It really should be more well known than it is. I did a few streams on the site, but then forgot that I could stream there. Streaming there is like streaming on YT, where most people outside of your followers won't know that you are streaming.
Goodbye Arena.tv?
Seems to be a number of different streaming services popping up (then vanishing,) since the Mixer closure. Some seem to get momentum at first, then vanish, like Glimesh, Livestream and so many others. Both Shareplay and Arena seem to be struggling with not just streamers, but also viewers. The one that has surprised me in a great way is OwnCast, as I am seeing more and more streamers on it.
Goodbye Arena.tv?
Arena was actually growing until one of the admins "blew up" on the platform streamers in the discord. That turn a lot of people (including myself) off and it hasn't recovered. This happened just before I heard you mention Beamstream on a stream on day. The problem with turning it into a chat site is that will be competing against sites which are as old as, if not older than Twitch. I'm actually seeing more people streaming on Owncast at the moment. I really do want to see them succeed though.
What's your favorite TV show of all time?
Red Dwarf Blakes 7 The Prisoner The Starlost Solitaire Doctor Who Death in Paradise Mission Impossible Wild Wild West Batman (Adam West)
Goodbye Arena.tv?
This is what I was wondering if they still existed as there is no way to log onto the website via arena.tv, but through their Discord I discovered that they are using a slightly different address at the moment. You can find them at https://gaming.arena.tv now.
Why I Left DLive
I remember a number of years ago I was looking for a place other than Twitch to stream. Now I really didn't have much against Twitch, and even though I have been on it since it was Justin.TV, I found it crowded and a hard place to get noticed. Oh, I wasn't looking to have 40 or 50 thousand viewers and follows, but I figured that if I could get 5 to 10, then I would be happy, and I would surely not only followed them back, but would actually become one of their viewers. What I noticed was that trying to get people was difficult, and found that many small creators would only send their show to large creators with a large number of people already watching. I think that it would be better if the small streamers would help each other out. But anyway, I came up on this streaming site called DLive. Getting onto it was easy, and I noticed that much of the users were from other countries outside of the USA. I noticed that the staff were streamers, and that they would do update and Q&A shows often. They would also implement new things for the streamers, and overall it became a great place to stream, but them they seem to get greedy in some ways. Now I understand that it takes money to keep these site going, but they started putting in levels in order for the creators to do certain things, things that I think would get viewers to subscribe. Then I noticed towards the end of the world-wide pandemic, I would find the staff on less and less, and it seemed as though they didn't care anymore. I found myself looking for other places to stream, and found myself elsewhere. I never deleted my DLive account, and even kept it in my bookmarks. After a few years I went back to to see if things had changed for the better, and even though it hadn't, I would check in from time to time. After the J6 event in the USA, I stopped in a few months later, and took a deep look around. As I looked around I noticed that the IRL channel and other channels had become more and more "right wing", but not that bad. KICK came along at some point, and I noticed how racist, homophobic, sexist, etc it was. To show how bad it was, several of the people on the front page had title using racist terms, with one channel being highlighted and the person repeatedly using a term towards Blacks. I went to use places like Glimesh and a few others which are no longer around, then when they all closed I checked out Twitch, Kick and DLive again. Twitch hadn't and still hasn't changed, and when someone says they want people to subscribe to them, I tell them I will after they subscribe to my channel (actually nobody can as I am not at that level,) but would hear the excuses as when they wouldn't and excuses as to why they couldn't even follow my channel. When I checked out Kick, I noticed that they had done a great just of cleaning up the site of the hateful stuff that was on it. Yeah, some of it can be still found, but they seem to remove creators and stuff as fast as they can who abuse the TOS. I went and checked DLive, and noticed that there was right wing stuff there, but it wasn't that much. By this time I had found a few new streaming start-ups, and figured that I would give them a chance and hope to help them grow. One of them is great, as they have it setup so that one can multi-stream to other platforms as you streamed on their platform. I found out about BeamStream through Josh when he mentioned it on an episode of one other shows. Anyways, I got things setup and added a few other places to the multistream. Now even though I didn't care for what was going on stream wise with DLive, I put it in there. I knew that with DLive I wouldn't have to go to the site, and would say in the ticker that I use that the only chat that I checked would be on Beamstream. After streaming on Beamstream for a while, I realized that I needed to make a couple of changes on DLive and other streaming sites. When I went to DLive I was horrified in what I saw. It was like those who were kicked from KICK had gone there. What was and is worse is that this isn't just streamers from the USA, but from other parts of the world with their hateful talk. I have tried to put up with it and not think about it, but I can't stream there anymore. The owners have let that place go down. Now I can put up with a lot of things, and am willing to turn my eyes away on things, but the people who run DLive need to take control again. I would feel dirty and filthy if I continued to use that platform. I really don't want to do it, but I just can't associate myself with them until they clean that place up. In the meantime you can find me streaming on Beamstream with my multistreams going out to places like Kick, Twitch, Vaughn, Shareplay, Picarto, Trovo and elsewhere.
What are you currently listening to?
Maggot Brain - PFunk
Beaming To The Public
I've been really enjoying myself on Beam, as it allows me to multistream to other places, and as a result I have picked up new followers elsewhere. I am using the Sponsored level, and what I have found is that it isn't has bad as it is on Twitch when it comes to ads. One short ad at the beginning of one coming into the room, and a short ad about every 15 minutes. Another thing that I enjoy is their micro-blog, GTribe. On there, you can post a link to your Beam site, and if you are live it will play through there. The Leaderboard is nice in that one can see where one ranks in different areas. The downsizes that I have found so far is that it doesn't show how one can go from being Sponsored to someone who pays for Premium. The problem with GTribe is that they want you to use your real name. If your alias is different than your real name (like mine,) people will have trouble finding you, but you can go in and change it to your alias. Because it is so new, and people have had to deal with shut downs of other sites, picking up both streamers and viewers is difficult. With the streaming software that I use, it makes it easy to run a ticker across to say that it where I look at the chat while I stream to other sites. I think that once people discover it, they will move to it, I'm guessing that it will most likely become #1 as to where one should be Multi-streaming from.